1,013 research outputs found

    Sistema de comunicación agua-aire mediante radio y ultrasonidos con geolocalización

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    En este trabajo se van a estudiar y desarrollar los métodos que se pueden emplear para establecer una comunicación que atraviese dos medios tan dispares como el aire y el agua. Se analizarán los distintos modelos teóricos que caracterizan la propagación ondulatoria en cada uno de los medios de interés y los posibles módulos funcionales implementables. Se explicará y se realizará un prototipo práctico que mediante un sistema que ejerza de nexo entre ambos medios ofrezca una implementación con las tecnologías económicamente más apropiadas para así lograr, un enlace por el que se puedan transmitir y recibir datos de una forma sencilla y eficaz.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Guiado de un vehículo autónomo mediante la detección de los límites del carril usando un escáner láser

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    Los vehículos autónomos están cada vez cobrando mayor repercusión, tanto con funciones de semiautomatización como de automatización completa. Se han explorado diferentes herramientas y tecnologías para realizar el control automático. En cuanto a tecnologías, el escáner láser 3D está cobrando gran ventaja dadas sus prestaciones. Cuando se plantea la estrategia de control en el caso de un vehículo totalmente autónomo, se pueden distinguir diversas soluciones: seguimiento de una trayectoria dada por waypoints definidos por sus coordenadas GPS, seguimiento de líneas, seguimiento del vehículo precedente, etc. Este artículo se centra en una solución para permitir el guiado autónomo de un vehículo en condiciones de pérdida de la señal GPS basándose en un escáner láser. De esta forma, se propone un algoritmo que permite la obtención de las variables necesarias para el control a partir del seguimiento de un elemento de referencia (muro, barreras laterales o líneas del carril). Con el fin de evitar la colocación del sensor en el techo del vehículo como es habitual en otros prototipos de vehículos autónomos peor que no resulta muy práctico en vehículos comerciales, se ha implementado un algoritmo basado en la simulación de la dinámica vehicular que permite mantener la robustez en las estimaciones del elemento de referencia. Se han realziado pruebas en el carril bus-VAO de la autovía A6 en la entrada a Madrid con resutados muy satisfactorios

    Diseño de mejoras electrónicas para vehículo de Fórmula SAE

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    Con el fin de mejorar la seguridad y los resultados del vehículo de Fórmula SAE del INSIA, se están implementando circuitos electrónicos que mejoren algunas prestaciones. Para ello se están realizando en la actualidad en la Escuela de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación diversos proyectos fin de carrera. Estos proyectos, que se ven reflejados en el presente artículo, cubren con un coste abordable las necesidades que van apareciendo en la evolución del vehículo de fórmula SAE

    Diseño y desarrollo de un vehículo híbrido multipropósito y ligero para servicios urbanos

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    La necesidad de reducir las emisiones de CO2 ha obligado a los fabricantes de automóviles a mejorar el consumo de combustible de sus vehículos y a desarrollar arquitecturas híbridas de propulsión, tanto gasolina – eléctrico como con pila de combustible. Aunque la configuración de este tipo de vehículos híbridos puede ser similar a la de los tradicionales de motor térmico, nuevos componentes implican nuevas posibilidades de reconfigurar el sistema de propulsión, diferentes distribuciones de volúmenes y pesos, de manera que se puede mejorar su dinámica y sus prestaciones. El origen del proyecto presentado es la respuesta del INSIA a las necesidades de una empresa de equipamiento urbano de tener un vehículo híbrido para aplicaciones ligeras. Está diseñado para equipar diferentes configuraciones híbridas, tanto de gasolina como de pila de combustible y, por petición del cliente, dispone de paneles solares en el techo de la cabina y de la caja de carga

    Application of mixed reality to ultrasound-guided femoral arterial cannulation during real-time practice in cardiac interventions

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    Producción CientíficaMixed reality opens interesting possibilities as it allows physicians to interact with both, the real physical and the virtual computer-generated environment and objects, in a powerful way. A mixed reality system, based in the HoloLens 2 glasses, has been developed to assist cardiologists in a quite complex interventional procedure: the ultrasound-guided femoral arterial cannulations, during real-time practice in interventional cardiology. The system is divided into two modules, the transmitter module, responsible for sending medical images to HoloLens 2 glasses, and the receiver module, hosted in the HoloLens 2, which renders those medical images, allowing the practitioner to watch and manage them in a 3D environment. The system has been successfully used, between November 2021 and August 2022, in up to 9 interventions by 2 different practitioners, in a large public hospital in central Spain. The practitioners using the system confirmed it as easy to use, reliable, real-time, reachable, and cost-effective, allowing a reduction of operating times, a better control of typical errors associated to the interventional procedure, and opening the possibility to use the medical imagery produced in ubiquitous e-learning. These strengths and opportunities were only nuanced by the risk of potential medical complications emerging from system malfunction or operator errors when using the system (e.g., unexpected momentary lag). In summary, the proposed system can be taken as a realistic proof of concept of how mixed reality technologies can support practitioners when performing interventional and surgical procedures during real-time daily practice.Junta de Castilla y León - Gerencia Regional de Salud (SACyL) (grant number GRS 2275/A/2020)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant number DTS21/00158)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Desenvolvimento profissional e colaboração de professores : uma análise localizada no contexto espanhol das tensões e fraturas entre teoria e prática

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    El artículo versa sobre la colaboración docente, una de las actividades de desarrollo profesional más prometedora que ha sido estudiada en una investigación más amplia acerca de diferentes dimensiones de la formación continua del profesorado en el contexto español. En la fundamentación teórica se describe su papel relevante dentro de un nuevo paradigma del desarrollo profesional, los fundamentos conceptuales y formas que la definen y se hacen explícitos diversos factores que explican las fracturas existentes entre la teoría y la práctica. Al caracterizar la metodología empleada, se formulan las cuestiones de estudio y otros aspectos de un diseño mixto de investigación aplicado en una muestra de profesorado y Centros de Profesores en varias Comunidades Autónomas que ha combinado información cuantitativa y cualitativa. La presentación, el análisis y la discusión de los datos a la luz de la teoría de la complejidad hacen posible comprender cómo y por qué incluso buenos planteamientos como la colegialidad del profesorado en los centros escolares no llega a desarrollarse cumpliendo las expectativas que en ella se depositan, generando determinadas implicaciones teóricas y prácticasThis article analyzes teaching collaboration, one of the most promising professional development activities, as it appears in a broader investigation about different dimensions of continuing education of teachers in Spain. First, we describe the relevance of teaching collaboration as a new paradigm in professional development, and we present the conceptual definition of teaching collaboration and clarify key factors that explain current fractures between theory and practice. Our research questions, mixed investigation design (quantitative and qualitative) applied to a sample of teachers and Teacher Centers in different regions of the country, and data analysis and discussion focus on how and why good approaches (i.e. teachers collegiality in schools) fail to get developed or meet expectations, and theoretical and practical implications of these developmentsO artigo diz respeito à colaboração docente, uma das atividades de desenvolvimento profissional mais promissora, que tem sido estudada num projeto de investigação mais amplo sobre as diferentes dimensões da formação contínua dos professores no contexto espanhol. Na fundamentação teórica descreve-se o papel relevante da formação continua no âmbito de um novo paradigma do desenvolvimento profissional, os fundamentos conceituais e as formas que a definem, e tornam-se explícitos diversos fatores que explicam as fraturas existentes entre a teoria e a prática. Ao caraterizar a metodologia utilizada, formulam-se as questões do estudo e outros aspetos de um desenho de investigação misto, aplicado numa amostra de professores e Centros de Formação de professores de várias Comunidades Autónomas, que combinou informação quantitativa e qualitativa. A apresentação, a análise e a discussão dos dados, realizadas de acordo com a teoria da complexidade, tornam possível compreender como e porque boas propostas, como a colegialidade dos professores nos centros escolares não chega a desenvolver-se, não cumprindo as expectativas que nela se depositaram. Inferem-se dessa análise determinadas implicações teóricas e práticasFue financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España con el título de “La formación continua del profesorado de educación obligatoria: análisis y valoración de la formación en curso y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los profesores y estudiantes” (Referencia: EDU2012-38787)S

    Migraciones medioambientales

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    This issue is based on the texts produced by the participants of the thematic week on Environmental Migrations organised by CER-M between May 31 and June 4, 2021.Este número se basa en los textos producidos por los participantes de la semana temática sobre Migraciones Smbientales organizada por el CER-M entre el 31 de mayo y el 4 de junio de 2021

    Screening for selective anticancer activity of 65 extracts of plants collected in Western Andalusia, Spain

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    Finding cytotoxic drugs with a high selectivity towards cancer cells is crucial to improve the low survival rates of patients diagnosed with metastatic cancers. Since plants are an important source of anticancer drugs, we have screened 65 extracts from 45 plants collected in several areas of Western Andalusia (Spain) for cytotoxic activity on lung cancer cells versus lung normal cells. An extract from the leaves of Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast. (Cupressaceae) showed a marked cytotoxicity (IC50 = 0.37 ± 0.03 µg/mL) and selectivity (selectivity index = 378.3) against the lung cancer cells; cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and an extract from the leaves of Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) were less cytotoxic and selective. Extracts from Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae), Frangula alnus Mill. (Rhamnaceae), Iberis ciliata subsp. contracta (Pers.) Moreno (Brassicaceae), Juniperus macrocarpa Sm (Cupressaceae), and Pancratium maritimum L. (Amaryllidaceae) also showed selective cytotoxicity (selectivity index > 10). Active extracts were also tested against a panel of cancer cell lines from a variety tissues. The plants identified in this work are potential sources of natural compounds with selective toxicity towards cancer cells.Universidad de Sevilla VPPI-I.

    Predictive model for atrial fibrillation in hypertensive diabetic patients

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    Background: Several scores to identify patients at high risk of suffering atrial fibrillation have been developed. Their applicability in hypertensive diabetic patients, however, remains uncertain. Our aim is to develop and validate a diagnostic predictive model to calculate the risk of developing atrial fibrillation at five years in a hypertensive diabetic population. Methods: The derivation cohort consisted of patients with both hypertension and diabetes attended in any of the 52 primary healthcare centres of Barcelona; the validation cohort came from the 11 primary healthcare centres of Terres de l'Ebre (Catalonia South) from January 2013 to December 2017. Multivariable Cox regression identified clinical risk factors associated with the development of atrial fibrillation. The overall performance, discrimination and calibration of the model were carried out. Results: The derivation data set comprised 54 575 patients. The atrial fibrillation rate incidence was 15.3 per 1000 person/year. A 5-year predictive model included age, male gender, overweight, heart failure, valvular heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, chronic kidney disease, number of antihypertensive drugs, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, thromboembolism, stroke and previous history of myocardial infarction. The discrimination of the model was good (c-index = 0.692; 95% confidence interval, 0.684-0.700), and calibration was adequate. In the validation cohort, the discrimination was lower (c-index = 0.670). Conclusions: The model accurately predicts future atrial fibrillation in a population with both diabetes and hypertension. Early detection allows the prevention of possible complications arising from this disease

    PET-CT in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and other aggressive histological subtypes

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    [EN]Introduction and objective: The aggressive histological subtypes of thyroid cancer are less common and have a worse prognosis than well –differentiated ones (DTC). The most important aggressive subtypes are Hürtle cell carcinoma (CHH), anaplasic and poorly differentiated carcinoma. In this review, we are going to evaluate the role of PET-CT, especially with 18F-FDG, in these aggressive histological lines, as well as in aggressive subtypes of DTC (tall cells, diffuse sclerosing…) and in radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Synthesis: Although the main indication for 18F-FDG PET in thyroid cancer is suspected recurrence, in patients with DTC with elevated serum thyroglobulin and radioiodine-negative whole-body scan (WBS), this technique has increasing applications in DTC. Likewise, 18F-FDG PET is also an efficient diagnostic tool in the study of anaplastic carcinoma, poorly differentiated and other aggressive lines It is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. It is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. The use of other PET tracers, such as 68Ga-PSMA and 68Ga-DOTATATE have not clearly demonstrated their clinical benefit over 18F-FDG. They are usually limited to cases in which it is necessary to assess the density of somatostatin analogs and PSMA receptors prior to metabolic therapy. Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET-CT is the most effective functional diagnostic technique in the study of poorly differentiated and aggressive thyroid neoplasms, since they show little or no avidity for radioiodine and however high affinity for 18F-FDG. The role of other PET tracers for the evaluation of these tumors is promising, although it still needs studies with a larger number of patients. t is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. 18F-FDG PET-CT is the most effective functional diagnostic technique in the study of poorly differentiated and aggressive thyroid neoplasms, since they show little or no avidity for radioiodine and however high affinity for 18F-FDG. The role of other PET tracers for the evaluation of these tumors is promising, although it still needs studies with a larger number of patients